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John David Boudreau

1600 Riveredge Parkway, Nw, Suite 600, Atlanta, GA 30328

Contact Information

(770) 933-0280
Landscape Architecture, Landscaping, Custom Home Design
John David Boudreau (Owner)

Landscape Architect

Status:Not verified

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Permits (2)

231 Sycamore St, Decatur, GA 30030


Permit type: Plumbing

Description: City of decatur: storm drain trunk line installtion impacting existing county water main line.

Permit #: 903427

233 E Trinity Pl, Decatur, GA 30030


Permit type: Plumbing

Description: Saintary sewer and water extension during improvement of storm sewer system by city of decatur%0d%0aplease contact george kakunes at 678 247 2504, [email protected] revision one, july 25, 2013, cushnie: the coring of storm structure 102 for the placement of a 16" steel sleeve to contain a relocated water line. the sleeve is to be located above the flow line. september 24, 2013: water revision two, sewer revision one. replacing additional water line at the intersection of church st., and e. maple str., also relocation of sanitary sewer to eliminate interference with new storm drain line, cushnie.

Permit #: 834660

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